Chelsea Foxwell’s scholarship ranges from the medieval through modern periods of Japanese art with special emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. She is the author of Making Modern Japanese-Style Painting: Kano Hōgai and the Search for Images (2015). In 2012 she co-curated the exhibition Awash in Color: French and Japanese Prints with Anne Leonard at the Smart Museum of Art.
Her work focuses on Japan’s artistic interactions with the rest of East Asia and beyond, nihonga and yōga (Japanese oil painting); “export art” and the world’s fairs; practices of image circulation, exhibition, and display; and the relationship between image-making and the kabuki theater.
A member of the Committee on Japanese Studies and the Center for the Art of East Asia, she is a contributor to the Digital Scrolling Paintings and the Reading Kuzushiji projects.
Selected Publications
"The Currency of "Tradition" in Recent Exhibitions of Contemporary Japanese Art" Journal of Asian Humanities at Kyushu University 4 (2019)
"The Art of Reframing the News: Early Meiji Shinbun nishiki-e in Context" Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 78:1 (June 2018)
"The Painter and the Archive: Models for the Artist in Nineteenth-Century Japan” In The Artist in Edo (Studies in the History of Art), edited by Yukio Lippit. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art (2018)